FAMEAIS Inclusive mobility
The master FAMEAIS is organised in 4 semesters.
Semester 1 and 2 (60 ECTS*) are followed in a single university, which can be Grenoble INP-UGA or TU Darmstadt. These two semesters deal with general topics about materials science.
Semester 3 (30 ECTS*) is followed in one of the 7 universities of the Consortium, necessarily in a different country as the first year of the master. This third semester is dedicated to a specialisation provided by one of the partner universities as world-leading expert; it is made of mandatory and elective courses.
Semester 4 (30 ECTS*) is a 6 months master thesis, preferably followed in the same location as semester 3, although exceptions can be accepted to this rule.

*ECTS (European Credit Transfer System): Created by the European Community to facilitate students’ mobility across Europe by a mutual recognition of their education unit values. To obtain a Master of Science degree, 120 ECTS are necessary (i.e. 30 ECTS per semester).
FAMEAIS Master is committed to offer inclusive services to all the students. The consortium implements specific measures for students suffering from long-term impairments. If you want to benefit from this service, please contact us, our partner universities will be pleased to assist you.